Monday, January 10

I'm a mormon

Today I had my intro to advertising class, which I decided to drop because it takes up too much time and is too much work for something that isn't fulfilling any credits, buuuut it was super interesting and the teacher showed us this video. I love it.
1. This lady is absolutely awesome and adorable.
2. She is a real person that has interests and a real life and awesome husband.
3. "and do it...beautifully"
4. I love that she says that she had lived before thinking that there was some mold she was supposed to fit, but that she realized she had made it up.
5. He showed us another video like this about a guy that skateboards...oh here i will just show you:

The thing about these is that you do not expect them at all to be an ad about people being mormon, because normally they are over the top ALL spiritual stuff. They are spiritual though. I just love that they are going about advertising the church in a way that shows off peoples talents and they aren't talking about the gospel in a way that most people expect. Everyone usually thinks that the church is only brought to people by elders coming and knocking on your door and that's the only way you can talk about the gospel with anyone, but these videos are real. These ads let people know that the church supports people for being individuals and that we believe that everyone has something to contribute when I think that a lot of times people outside the church think that we are brainwashed into being perfect mormons and that everyone is supposed to be the same, when really it's not like that at all.
"God gave us individuality for a reason. He wants us to be who we are, and we need to take those unique aspects of our lives and make this church...US."

1 comment:

  1. I grew up in Cassie's wards (the one from the clip) She is a good family friend. She so amazing and talented as well as her husband too. Fun fun family!
