Monday, July 11

Camping is intents

This weekend we had our splendid fantabulous wonderful spectacular ward campout! I was looking forward to it for the longest time. Matt and I finally got to use our tent that we got for our wedding LAST YEAR! I really love our ward, especially since it split (i miss people from when our ward was bigger, but I feel like everyone is way closer now that it is tiny). Matt and I got there kind of late cause it was supposed to start at 5pm but we got there and we thought we were late and only like 2 couples were there. Ha! That was okay though cause Matt and I went in a boat out on the lake that they had at the campsite we went to. Mitchell and Sierra and Melissa and Paul came out in a canoe and started attacking us with huge splashes of water! I got pretty wet and so did Matt and it totally wasn't fair because it was 4 against 2, but Matt got them all pretty good, so it was okay.

Then a bunch of us decided to plat wiffle ball out in the big fields that were there and it started raining while we were playing! It was one of the prettiest things I have ever seen. Just being in a huge open field with the rain just rolling and then we saw this:
If you  notice, I am the one in the blue running to second base!
There was really a double rainbow, but you can only see one in the picture. It was AMAZING! We played until the sun started setting and until we thought that we were going to get struck by lighting because Sierra Hess' hair started standing up on end.
It started getting really cold and I realized oh hey! I didn't bring any pants, luckily I had my rain jacket and my tennis shoes, but I was in shorts basically the whole time. At one point during the night I was pretty sure I couldn't feel my legs anymore.
Bethany and I were very cold, and maybe Andie was, too haha. She managed to sneak into the picture. Matt didn't have a jacket at all, but we did have towels! So he was able to go Babushka style and stay warm and dry.
Afterwards we just hung out with everyone in the ward for the longest time. S'mores were involved and catchphrase made an appearance as well. We also threw in some Egyptian Rat Screw and some War. I ended up staying up til 1pm with Andie, Jacob, Bethany, McKayla, Carly, Tabitha, Alex and Chett playing catchphrase and when it was time to go to bed Matt had already gone to the tent and I couldn't walk back by myself because it was so dark outside, and for people who don't know I am pretty much blind in the dark. Luckily! Andie and Jacob were with me and we all held hands as we walked back to the tents :]

Basically it was an awesome time. The ward rocks. I love them. I will miss them when Matt and I have to move :[


  1. I had no idea that you were blind in the dark! So glad that I was there to help!

  2. Well not forreal blind, but it is incredibly hard for me to see.
