Monday, September 19

This is...

This is a little somethin'-somethin' known as a banana cake:
This little somthin'-somethin' is a little awesome and delicious, in case you were wondering...because I know you all were. Last week I made it using a recipe from Mama Talley and it turned out beautifully. 

This is a little somethin'-somethin' known as...satisfaction:

In other news:
Matt and I went to the Utah game on Saturday. As my wonderfully witty sister-in-law said we will from here on out refer to this atrocity as "the game which must not be named." In case you didn't see was that bad. On the bright-side, but not really, Matt and I were at the very very top of the stadium in the last row. There was a row of Utah fans sitting in front of us. It was quite eventful having them in front of us. I spent a lot of the night glaring at them and then looking back at Matt, rolling my eyes. maybe I am creepy. And maybe this video doesn't seem like it was that bad..and it really wasn't. And maybe she might have realized that I was video-taping her towards the end.
BUT she did her little "here we go, UTAH!" alllllllll the time. I just wanted to catch it on video. It's just never fun when you are getting creamed and the opponent's fans are surrounding you cheering. Not fun.
On the bright side, for real this time, we were also by a little baby BYU fan that ran around where we were sitting the whole game. He was adorable.

Just imagine little Matt's running around in BYU attire. Adorable, right? Aw. That will be fun..
don't get too excited people, i'm talking about the FUTURE.


  1. Your banana cake looks great!! It made me smile. I think I might need to go make some now :). I am sure Matt was VERY satisfied!!

  2. One: Banana cake is awesome
    Two: yes, I am your witty sister-in-law and I am full of wit and things. I like that I am mentioned in your blod.
    Three: When you told me to imagine little Matts running around, I really did imagine little Matts. Not little babies that looked like Matt. I just kind of shrunk him in my head and made him run around. Imagine it. It's pretty funny.
