Saturday, November 12

In touch with my emotions

So my wonderful husband informed me that we only have like two weeks left of school and in between those weeks there is thanksgiving break or something like that. I am very happy about this.

Also, I got to spend time with my wonderful husband, which hasn't happened for the last week because he is working White Christmas every night for the next little while. It was so nice. We went to Firehouse Subs, he got a haircut at Sports Clips, and then we went to Wal-mart to get him so D.O. for the B.O. (yes, I just did) and that was about it. And ya know what? It was so good. It is amazing how doing little things like that can seem so much better when you are with someone that you love. 

Also, I watched the Notebook last night while I was at home alone. Note-to-self: NEVER do this again. I was basically convulsing because I was weeping so hard, and Matt couldn't even text me back to calm me down because he was working the show. It was rough. So to calm myself down I read Catching Fire (second book in the Hunger Games series). It helped. 

Then, this morning I looked at my cute little husband and said "I love you so much. Every night when I say my prayers I thank Heavenly Father for my wonderful Matt and tell him how thankful I am that I am married to him" and then I started tearing up and Matt looked at me and smiled that smile that only he can give me and it just made me even more thankful for him. And then he called me cute because I cry about everything. And then I tried to defend myself by saying "I am just in touch with my emotions!" But it didn't help anything.

Example of my crazy cryingness: on Friday I was sitting in the office in the HFAC talking with my work friends about Harry Potter and how wonderful it is. I TOTALLY started crying just from thinking about how good the last movie was and the book and the whole series combined. It was kind of ridiculous. My friends just laughed at me, while I tried to hide my teary eyes behind my hands. It does not make sense. Don't worry though, I don't cry at all when I at my internship helping people with therapy and such. It is all backwards, I cry at crazy things. I believe it is a blessing, though. If I cried everytime I tried to help with therapy I don't think I would be very helpful at all. 
Anyways, I don't really know what the point of this post was.
I made it through this week.
Bring on the rest of the semester. It's almost over!

By the by, I'm glad that my husband puts up with things like what I do in that video over there.
That's why he is perfect for me.

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