Tuesday, December 14

Testing Center

I remember a time last semester where something ridiculously funny happened to me at the testing center. I remember this because last night when Matt and I went out to eat at Noodles we talked about it ( I was afraid to go to Noodles because I had never been before and I am always afraid to try new things ).

Please try to picture this in your mind.
Once upon a time I was taking my Current Social Problems test and I was sitting at one of the stupid desks in the testing center that nobody likes to sit in, the ugly beige colored ones that wrap around you on the right side. I dropped my pencil, conveniently (not) on the right side of the desk. I tried to lean over and pick it up, but because the arm part of the stupid desk was there and because my arms are too short I couldn't reach the pencil. So i leaned just a little bit more to try to reach......big mistake. The desk started falling and because my legs are also short they came off the ground so the desk kept tipping. I definitely fell on the girl in the desk next to me while STILL BEING IN MY DESK. I fell and I didn't even get the pencil. I put my desk upright after apologizing to the girl beside me and feeling really stupid and then I noticed that not only was my pencil still on the floor, but my test had fallen as well. So, not to make the same mistake twice I got up and walked around and picked them both up. I rule.

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