Friday, April 22


     Sometimes...most of the time...I feel kind of stuck here in Provo. Maybe trapped is a better word. It's the same routine all the time. The same people. The same school. The same clothes. The same religion. Everything is the same and it doesn't look like it will be changing anytime soon. I'm trapped in a sea or people that all have the same beliefs. That is really awesome, trust me. I am so thankful that I am able to go to a school where we are able to say prayers before we start class, but sometimes I wish that things were a little more diverse. I want something that isn't totally and completely PROVO. I get so tired of it. I feel like yes, my testimony is totally growing while I am here learning at the Lord's university, but I can only grow so much when all the people around me believe the exact same thing...there comes a point where my testimony has reached its peak, or even my understanding of the world, and I can't learn anymore because I've already seen all this place has to offer. And huzzah I still have a few more years (note the sarcasm).
    I'm pretty sure every sane person that is not actually from Provo or anywhere in Utah (maybe that's not true, but maybe it is) has felt the same way as I do right now...but it just won't go away. Part of this comes from just me missing my wonderful North Carolina home, but a lot of it is just that I want something new. If anyone knows of any cool places that seem like they could make me feel like I am escaping this hole that is Provo please please please let me know. Is there any way to get out of Provo without actually leaving it

    Also, anytime I walk underneath a telephone cable and a bird is sitting on it I am always afraid that the bird is going to poop on me so I try to walk away from where it is sitting. Don't judge.


  1. I understand what you mean. This is one of the reasons I went to SVU: same LDS ideals, same values and morals, RADICALLY different environment.
    I wish I could help :( You should come VISIT ME! Or I should come visit you! I could bring the east coast to the west :)

  2. Do it! Do it! Come see me, that would be so wonderful. We could get the trio of me you and ashley together again!

  3. If I find a solution I'll let you know... but I've been lookin for awhile and I ain't got nothin yet.

  4. YOu should come here to Ohio!!! But then I guess you really would be leaving Utah... But Ohio is pretty great too!

  5. Try splunking... it's around the other side of the lake... It made me feel like I was no longer in Provo when I was out there :)
