Monday, May 16

They don't judge

So Matt and I have a new calling in our ward [for people that don't know what that means, members of the church are given specific assignments by church leaders that help within each area of the church to strengthen it and the members within it]! We now work in the nursery with 3 ADORABLE little kids! They are so much fun. Sunday was our first day with them and it was wonderful. Mind you, we were not prepared because we didn't think that we were gonna start until next week, but we "rocked it" as the second counselor in the bishopric would say. I am excited because little kids don't judge. I was afraid I would be called to be a teacher in sunday school or something like that.

Two little girls, and one little boy. One girl looked like me when I was little. The other was blonde and she always has pigtails and her dad is teaching her to speak spanish so she would speak spanish sometimes and baby talk on top of a different language= impossible to understand [in case you were wondering].The little boy didn't want to hang out with us at first, but he warmed up to us eventually once his mom, Carolyn, stayed with him a little until he started playing with us and then she sneaked out so he wouldn't notice that she left. Olivia, Miriam, and Charlie. My Sunday's will now be full of hangin' out with little kids who rock my socks. Hooray!

In other news, 
I definitely climbed across that log. 
Matt and I like to go up to Rock Canyon sometimes and this past Saturday we just hiked around a little because I got off work early. It was super nice to be outside and just enjoying time with my wonderful husband. We walked, we viewed mountains, the trees were green, we held hands AH! bliss :] Matt made me go through some crazy areas...they weren't really that crazy, but considering I was just wearing my birkenstock sandles [that I l-o-v-e love] I was not all too excited to be climbing up the side of a mountain covered in loose rocks and going across super smooth logs that are slippery, especially when trying to climb up them ["why did you wear sandals?" you ask...I just did]. Despite the fact that I was scared I would fall into the RAGING water below me when I was crossing that long over there on the right, it was just pretty fun to explore with Matt. Sometimes we like to spend time together ;]
And sometimes Matthew dearest just likes to nap nap nap, and that is perfectly okay too.
In other words:


  1. Hahahaha I don't know why the picture of Matt sleeping is so funny to me but it definitely is.

    ALSO! I miss you! And I am jealous of your calling.

  2. I'm jealous that you get to hang out with adorable children every week. When I need to get a fix of adorableness, I go hang out with the baby ducks at the duck pond. They don't judge me, either.

    Also, I enjoy the picture of Matt because it looks like he has no head.

    Also, I enjoy being your sister-in-law (and your sister-in-awesome) because you are made of radness.

    That is all.
