Saturday, June 25

Celebrate good times

So Matt and I have officially been married for a year [a year and two days, ACTUALLY (our anniversary was forreal on Thursday)]. It is pretty awesome, not gonna lie. I thought I loved Matt when we got married, but now it is so much more. It is cool how much we understand each other now, like now Matt knows that I almost always never finish a meal; I tend to leave at least one bite left of my food or how both of us are completely horrible at making decisions. I'm sure there is plenty more to learn, but that's what eternity is for, right? Isn't it cool that our religion allows us to be sealed and married for forever? I mean...forever! That is so awesome and I would not want to spend it with anyone else.

Thursday we had breakfast for dinner, one of my personal favorites, and then we went out to get dessert at a cupcake place that I don't remember the name of. Then we came home and watched TV. It was very chill and very nice. We both had worked the whole day so we were kinda tuckered out and didn't feel the need to be too extravagant. 

Yesterday; however, we partied it upppp! I got my haircut while Matt was in class and when he got home we went out to eat at the lovely Noodles. I love love love that place. So delicious. Then, since I had chosen where we went to eat I told Matt to choose what we did next. He wouldn't tell me where we were going so as we drove along the ever popular State Street in Orem I tried to figure out where we could possibly be going and we ended up at THE NICKELCAAAAADE! Let me tell you, if you ever need a cheap date that is tons-o-fun then go to the nickelcade cause it is bangarang. I think that it is how LDS people get their gambling fix cause people play games there for hours just like people at the slots.
We came, we played, and we conquered.
We got 153 tickets, which really doesn't seem like all the much compared to the little kids with thousands or tickets earned for them by their parents, but it was enough to get me two fun dips, three laffy-taffys and multiple fruity tootsie rolls. Good ol' candy. 

After the nickelcade we ventured to Cupcake Chic (yes, the second cupcake place in two days, but hey, we were celebrating our love!) and got amazing cupcakes. They are the best cupcake place in Utah.
I got the coconut cupcake, which is the very best, and Matt got a cinnamon sugar cupcake. It was a great way to celebrate. While we were eating our cupcakes outside we noticed something a little strange on the car parked next to us. I took a picture, but the people who owned the car were in the shop so I didn't want them to know I was taking a picture of their car...but here it is:

In case you can't tell what it is...yeah, it's a baby doll leg strapped to the antenna of the people's car. Why?
I. don't. know.

Finally, we went home and watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I. I am so excited for the final one to come out. Who do you think I should dress up as for the midnight showing?


  1. Congratulations!!!! One year is quite the accomplishment! Sounds like you guys had fun, and I am going to have to get to that cupcake shop at some point in my life :)
