Friday, June 10

Social norms

So Matt and I like to play this little game called:  "what if...?" This leads to lots of interesting things. I do it a lot more than Matt does, because if any of you know Matt...he just isn't the crazy weird random one in this marriage, that would be me! But every now and then Matt will join in and play too. We were in our polynesian dance class yesterday and we were sitting on the ground waiting for class to start and he leaned over to me making a face similar to this:
except..he was also sticking his lower lip out and then pulling it back in while leaning in. I instantly said "what if every time you leaned in to kiss someone it had been like that?" I mean seriously..if that happened every time he went in to kiss someone he would not be getting very many kisses. Other things that I have said:
-While flying from Ohio to Utah: "What if a monkey just came out of the cockpit when we land and he was the one flying the plane?!"
-While walking in Rock Canyon:"What if a gopher just popped up out of the ground wearing a hat?"
-on many occasions:"What if my face looked like this?" (that's usually the one that Matt participates in the most).

I'm sure there are plenty of other ones, but those are the times that have made us laugh the most. But anyways, thinking about this makes me think of this class that I will be taking eventually for my major called intro to social psychology. In this class you have to break a social norm, like talking really loudly on your cell phone so everyone around you can hear it..that would be an example. This is how excited I am to take this class, I have not even scheduled it yet for when I will take it, but I am already starting to plan what social norm I could possibly break. I think that Matt and I have come up with a few good ones:
1. Sing along LOUDLY with the music that I am listening to on my Zune while walking to class. Maybe throw in a little dancing to go along with it.
2. Ride a BIG WHEEL around campus and to school instead of a bike.
3.Confront people about outfits that are not appropriate.
4. And an example one of my teachers gave: go to the grocery store and shop from other peoples shopping carts instead of from the shelves.

I'm sure there are a lot more, but I can't think of them right now. Writing them down here helps me to remember them though for future reference when I actually am in the class...and if anyone has any suggestions please feel free to let me know, as of right now though, I am totally digging the big-wheels. I mean, can you imagine?


  1. do the big wheels! that would be aweomse- or carry your books in a red wagon!
