Wednesday, June 15

baby keep smilin'

Today I was walking home from taking my stats final (hoorayhoorayitisoverfinallyyesyesyesssss) and I had one of those awkward moments while passing someone on the sidewalk. You know what I am talking about..when you make eye contact with someone and then one or both of you feel like you have to break the silence by saying something even though you don't know each other at all. Yeah. You know. So this happened to me today while walking past this red headed kid. We made eye contact, I smiled, it wasn't enough because he still had to break the silence and he asked "hi, how are you?" (how original) and I responded "good" (because nobody even says that ever) and he said "good" and that was the end of our friendship. It was quite sad. But after he left me walking alone I thought to myself...what if when he had asked me how I was I said "bad." and just kept walking? Would he have even noticed? Would he have just said "good" because it is almost like a reflex because that conversation is so overplayed? I dunno.

Anyways, I have something to show you!
Do you see it? Isn't it glorious? Oh wait, you don't know what I am talking about? Sure there is a cute couple there, minus the frazzled crazy eyebrow end of day tired looking chick on the left...but do you see what I see?
Look to the right a little. Check out that stud on the right. See it now?

Okay here is a hint: Today I sent a picture of my beautiful husband to my mom and she responded with "oh! kissy kissy! now he is even more handsome!"


Okay okay, here, I will take me out of the picture because I am sure that all of you were oggling over my ridiculous good looks so that's why you didn't notice. And maybe I will compare it to something else so it will just be blatantly obvious.

If you still aren't getting it then there might just be something wrong with you..

My husband is now even more glorious. I didn't think it was possible, but oh how wrong I was.


  1. Also, its kinda weird. Just a little. I'm so used to the braces, you know? Ok.

  2. This may sound weird, but his teeth look so much smaller than I remember them being before he got his braces. Maybe the gap used to make them bigger...

  3. No he just has baby small teeth haha
