Monday, July 25

Happenings as of late...

Matt and I went to the Mt. Timpanogas temple last weekend. It was really nice to go. I really love that temple. It is so beautiful on the inside and on the outside. There were also like 3 weddings going on while we were there, which is always a beautiful thing.
Sarah and I went to the Llama Festival at the Indian Temple in Spanish fork where they also do this:
the color festival
It was pretty cool at first because you walk in and all you see is a bunch of llamas and a big indian temple, but that was about it. They paraded the llamas around, so we basically just watched the llamas walk in a circle (and poop and pee in that same circle) and then the llamas were judged. There were also some dance groups, but they weren't that exciting. And there was a llama race...which consisted mostly of the owners running and pulling their llamas along behind them with their reigns. Not as cool as I was hoping. The llamas were cool, but the festival...not so much. I did buy this cool pin, though!
Isn't she cute? I named her Lola the llama. Sarah got one, too!
I have been working a theatre camp in the Nelke Experimental Theatre in the HFAC at BYU (phew!) since last week, and I will be working it this week, too. It is pretty awesome..and by awesome I mean awful. I have to wake up at 6:30 everyday (including today, which is supposed to be a vacation day) and be at work by 8 to sit and watch high school theatre kids be super dramatic and crazy. Like right now for instance, I am sitting in  my little Stage Manager's booth and there is this boy on stage and he stomps his foot anytime he has to emphasize a word or sentence. It is kind of ridiculous. I am surprised David Morgan hasn't said anything about it. It makes me think about if I were a director what kind of things I would be telling the kids to do and not do. I am pretty sure I would get caught up on the little things though so that' probably why I'm not a director! I do love the theatre, though. 
Almost all the boys at the theatre camp should see this.

Matt's parents are in town! They are going to a ballroom dance camp at BYU and that means that we get to spend time with them (while we aren't working and they aren't dancing their hearts out). On Saturday we went to Tucano's with them, Bethany and Graham, and Sarah for lunch. It was wonderful. Then we went to the bookstore and just looked at books, which we all love. Later that night we went to Noodles for dinner and they messed up my order so they gave me a free desser! Then we went to see Harry Potter again! I brought the elder wand because I am obviously the most powerful wizard (or witch...) in the world (actually Chelsea went to Harry Potter world in Florida and she got me the elder wand, but I'm stickin' with the fact that I am the most powerful witch ever!). Wizard is such a better word than witch. Just sayin.

On Sunday Matt and I both spoke in Sacrament Meeting about building the kingdom of the Lord. It was quite exciting. Sunday night I made dinner for everybody at Sarah's apartment! Not gonna lie, I was totally stressed out...especially because this was the first time I have ever cooked food for a group bigger than me and Matt...and the people in that group consisted of my in-laws...particularly my fabulous mother-in-law that is an awesome cook and wants to make sure that I am feeding her son well! Despite my nervousness I think that everyone was pleased with the meal that I made. Sarah even asked me for the recipe (which I still need to give her)! No more posting for now, I have my lunch break soon and I get to eat lunch with my in-laws (siblings and parents)! I love having family in town.


  1. I did literally laugh out loud when you talked about the kid stamping his foot - I can totally picture that :) So what did you make for dinner? I'm always looking for recipes too!

  2. Dinner was SO good McKenna :) don't worry about it at all! I want the recipe too!

    Anna, it tasted like Mom's cheesy chicken croissant recipe, but was much easier to make (I think). It's a winner!

  3. Just so you know ... you passed. I am no longer concerned about Matthew starving (which he obviously is not). It was d'lish!!! It was great fun seeing you! Can't wait till December!

  4. I was walking around campus today and saw some guys with these hats. Totally thought about this entry. Classic. And they did look like that.
