Friday, September 30


I don't know how many of you have been in an elevator...but since it is a pretty common thing I am assuming well...all of you have. BUT, I don't know how many of you have ever wanted to push this button:
Maybe all of you. You have probably been tempted just a little. Just to see what happens.

Well, today I got to see what happens when you push the button (ooooooo so mysterious). 
Don't jump to conclusions, it's really not that big of a deal. It's not like there was a pregnant lady in the elevator and we got stuck together on the 9th floor and she started going into labor.
Didn't happen.
What did happen was that I was waiting for the elevator. When it got to my floor, the doors opened and about 12 people got off the elevator. I got on all by myself. And I heard something ringing. Like someone was calling someone coming from somewhere in the elevator. I looked around and saw the emergency button lit up. Red. Cooooool. Someone pushed the button and left me there to deal with it. So it rang and rang and then a man answered and said
"9-1-1, what's your emergency?"
I looked around to make sure there was no one else in the elevator that could talk to the guy for me.
Yup, just me.
"uhh...I think someone accidentally pushed the emergency button in the elevator."
"okay, thank you for staying on the line. have a good day."
No big deal.
I just talked to 9-1-1.
So in case you were wondering what happens when you push the EMERGENCY button in the calls emergency services! Who woulda thunk it?

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