Thursday, October 6

short people with umbrellas

It has been rainy lately. This requires me to whip out my rain boots, rain jacket, and umbrella cause i'm not about to get wet after i spend hours getting my self all gussied up in the morning.

Problem: I happen to be short. Carrying an umbrella when you are short can sometimes be dangerous.
In fact...I tried to search on google for "short people with umbrellas" to maybe get a picture of the thing that I struggle with and what I found were websites with titles like these:
"I hate short people with umbrellas"
"I hate short people with umbrellas who take your head off with it"
"Short people should not be allowed umbrellas"
"Beware of short people with umbrellas"

I is not like I am walking around swinging my umbrella around purposely trying to nail people with it, although that would be pretty hilarious to see. I feel so bad walking around on campus trying not to hit people! And it's even worse when you have two people on the sidewalk walking towards each other. I NEVER know what to do. Do I sacrifice my dryness to save the other person and put my umbrella out to the side? No! I don't want to get wet! That's why I bought an umbrella! I do still feel bad about making the situation awkward, though. Sometimes I feel like I should just hold my arm up straight so that my umbrella just goes up high over theirs, but I don't...

I can't help it that because I am short my umbrella just happens to be perfectly at eye level for all the taller people around me :[

Dear tall people around the world that are walking in the rain,
If you happen to be walking and you come across a short person with an umbrella please just remember that they are not trying to hit you on purpose with their umbrella. It might be a little awkward trying to avoid getting  hit, but I assure you they (or at least I do) try to avoid hitting you, so by working together we can avoid the awkwardness of people of different heights using umbrellas in the rain. That way everyone can stay happy and dry :]
a short person trying to not be awkward


  1. Can I just say how much I love that you take the time to think about things like that?

    Miss you dear!

  2. I can't say that I've ever had a problem with a short person holding an umbrella. What REALLY gets me going is all the people that ride bikes around campus that don't have ANY courtesy for pedestrians OR the people driving. Having the right of way does not give anyone the right to do stupid things! Whew! Okay, that over with now. oh yeah, but short people with umbrellas? Never knew it was a problem until your post....
