Sunday, September 4

new new new!

So I told you how Matt and I recently moved, but I haven't really shown any pictures or anything because basically..there was still junk everywhere and I don't want to post pictures of junk. Your perception of me has to be perfect so I can't show you my messes! Or something like that...But anyways, Matt and I went to Ikea for the first time EVER yesterday, at least for me. It was a wonderful adventure! We originally planned on going there just for a bookcase, but then Matt was so sweet and suggested that we could get stools and even a side table. So, without further ado: our apartment (well, part of it)
Our fancy bookshelf! maybe I don't care so much if you can see my junk laying around..cause obviously there is junk.
Matt being a lovely model of our couch, half of our bookshelf
and half of our side table.

Our side table! It is so cute :] Imagine it without all the junk.
There isn't really anything new that we bought in this picture, I just
LOVE the fact that we actually have a table now. AND we finally get
to use my cute place mats that we got at our wedding!
These are our new bar stools...or high chairs...whatever you
wanna call 'em. They are cute.

The bar chairs from the side! So cute!
So aside from all the junk that is still laying around, it is pretty cute, right?!
I am in love with our new apartment. You can ask Matt, I tell him how much I love it basically everyday. Today we got home from church and I looked at everything that we had bought and this is what I did:
I guess you could say I am pretty excited.

(note: I have no idea who that guy is in that video. I just got it off youtube and although the girl filming might sound like is not. haha just wanted to clear that up.)


  1. I love Ikea - and I love your new stuff! We have the same kitchen table. We've had since a year after we got married (so 7 years) and it has held up so well except for the time Kirk tried to use it as an ironing board and removed some of the finish... Anyway, the apartment looks great and I'm glad you all are happy there!

  2. Cute place! I'm curious where you live because that looks just like an apartment I've seen on 100 West between 600- 700 N are you guys anywhere near there?

  3. No, well..kind of I guess. We are on 500 north and 300 east
