Saturday, September 11


I looked up the meaning of love on just to see what it would say and one of the top definitions was "sexual passion or desire."

This might shock you all..but that is not love. That is lust. You could even look it up on and they would tell you the same thing. It's so sad to me that in our society people think that just because they are drawn to someone because their hormones start going haywire that they must be in love. Love is more than just wanting to make out with someone all the time so sorry if I just burst your bubble...but love goes way deeper. Someone from my freshman ward during winter semester thought I was getting married just so I could have sex. Really? Is that what people are being taught these days? If you say you love someone it's only because you want to get into their pants? (..I will admit that is true for some people). But that's not how people should think relationships work. That's why so many of them are failing. The divorce rate now is ridiculous. People go into marriages thinking that if it doesn't work then they can just split up. It's not supposed to be that way. Just because you have disagreements with your spouse about things doesn't mean you just quit. At least it shouldn't mean that.
Lust does NOT equal love. Love requires sacrifice and lust is completely selfish. I think we all need to learn a little more about how relationships work before we end up thinking that "marriage isn't important because you can just get the same things by having sex with someone you are dating to make you happy"....
unless we are already there.
THIS is love.


  1. AMEN!

    That really gets me going....when a couple can only think about the sexual/attraction part.

    You have to be able to TALK to your husband/wife as well. And not just talk, but COMMUNICATE. That is something that will grow, if you work at it. However, if you don't put effort into it...if all you care about is how the other looks, the sex, won't last.

  2. WHABAM! And that is why I love you. People should get married to be with their best friend eternally and to seek the life of God together. It's not about... sex... (that was supposed to be in smaller case but I couldn't do it). :)
