Friday, April 15


Last night Matt and I went to his folk dance team's party that they were having.  It was actually pretty nice despite the fact that we were outside the entire time and I definitely did not have a big enough jacket on. We had a bonfire so it wasn't too bad, and I learned that my husband could totally light a fire if we ever get lost in the woods. And I also learned that Sarah's friend, Julie, got engaged the previous night and Sarah helped with it! But all of that is besides the point; the point being: my story!

At one point during the party everyone around the fire started screaming or singing extremely loudly and it was just a little bit ridiculous. Once they were done with that one of the guys waved his hands at Matt and me since we were on the opposite side of the fire and he asked "do you guys even miss this stuff ever?" and I said "well, we are here aren't we" and then he said "well I mean when you guys are like sitting at home and just being all 'we are married'" and Matt chimed in and said "Oh, no. Things usually get crazy when we go home." There was a pause of silence and then another guy yelled "ooooooooooooooooooooooooh!" and then everyone started laughing. It was pretty hilarious. Matt was referring to me being crazy when I get home because I didn't really know anyone at the party, but I am comfortable at home so I usually do really weird things and sometimes I even sing loudly like they were doing. They totally took it a different way though, which made me laugh so I thought I would share.

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