Thursday, May 12

Agree to disagree

 Sometimes Matt and I disagree on things. he likes to wear his hair: him annnd me (I think I have won out on this one, even though I know that he still loves to wear his hair all crazy and spikey).
 Recently, though, I have found out that we completely disagree on something that I never thought would even be something we talked about!  You know how at crosswalks there are the little boxes with the red hand and the little man that looks like he is walking so you know when you are supposed to cross the street? I am pretty sure that the little man on those things is WHITE. The light that shows up when you are supposed to walk is white. Matt, on the other hand thinks that he is definitely green. I don't even know how he thinks that, but oh well.
My argument is always, "you are just color blind!" and his is always "if it were white that would be racist!" and then he adds "I'm not saying that it is like grass green, it is a light green that almost looks white."
 It isn't even anything that really matters at all, but I just think it is funny that both of us are so adamant about being right. Upon further research though I discovered that some of the signs actually are green! Good old google images search helped me discover this, while I was sitting here trying to prove my husband wrong I realized that he was least part way. There are indeed cross walk walking men signs that are green, but that particular sign over on the right is not a picture of the crosswalk sign that we pass everyday. The one that we pass everyday looks something like this:

Therefore, I believe that I am right inasmuch as we are talking about our specific crosswalks, but Matt is right that some of the crosswalk men are actually green. But them again, I shouldn't even be trying to prove that I am right...even though I am super stubborn. Matt just calls the crosswalk walking men "green guys" sometimes, so now I know why. It's not that I am right or he is right. It just depends on the context. Oh silly stubbornness. So I guess for now I will just agree to disagree...or whatever.

1 comment:

  1. For the record, the ones in Provo are definitely white (racist or not).

    Also, you should just call them walking man, because that doesn't even bring color into the description and is an accurate representation of what they are doing.

    P.S. Your birthday is in two weeks and six days. I know this because at the library, we have date stamps that tell us what is three weeks from today and yesterday the date stamp said June 2. Bethany and I want to do something cool/cute for you, but we won't tell you what it is.
