Saturday, May 28

Come to my garden

Matt and I went to the Thanksgiving Point gardens today! It was so much fun and it was so beautiful. I had been wanting to go for a while so we finally went because I didn't have to work. It is so nice to be surrounded by beautiful flowers and beautiful works of art. Just pretty stuff! The down point of the day was when we were walking on one of the paths through the gardens holding hands. It was all lovey dovey when all of a sudden Matt's went deadly serious and I knew something was up. He said, "whoa whoa whoa. wait right here wait right here." As soon as I saw his face HELLO I freaked out and ran backwards because I knew what it was. A snake. I fah-reaked out! I jumped up and down while screaming and ran away even though he told me to wait where I was and then I started crying. I didn't even see the snake! I am kinda crazy. But I absolutely hate snakes, even if they are little baby garden ones. After I finally calmed down I made Matt hold me and we walked a different way so I would be as far away as possible and I told him "you saved me!" My hero:

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