Tuesday, August 23

Can I have it?

So since I am home in North Carolina there are a couple of things that need to be changed with regards to being marriedness. 
1. I still have credit cards and such with my maiden name on it. 
2. My drivers license also has my maiden name on it, which happens to be a pain when traveling in the airport and you have to show your I.D. like 3 times (sometimes people at the airport even say "shame on you" especially if you have been married a year and still haven't changed your drivers license). 
3. My phone is seriously out of date. Like..out of date in technology time, I have had it for 2 years, but 2 years in  cell phone time is like..what the heck slow.

So! Today I took care of my driver's license! Now I am the proud owner of a driver's license that says McKenna Maye Talley! Or at least it is in the mail and I will be the proud owner of it soon enough. I will be taking care of my credit cards later this week, but yesterdayyyyyyyyyyyyyy I bought this bad boy:
The lovely HTC Incredible 2. It is a smartphone and it is definitely a smarty pants. What an upgrade from my old Env3. I am lovin' it so far. Matt is jealous. He was playing with it before I did so that he "could teach me how to work it." So far this trip home has been very eventful!

I can't wait for Thursday, though. We get a 4 inch cake from Maxie B's, which is a bakery here in North Carolina. They are the one that made my wedding cake, which I LOVED.
Each tier of that cake was a different flavor. The bottom was fresh strawberry buttercream cake, the middle was pumpkin chocolate chip and the top was pink lemonade dyed with the cake and the iicing as my wedding colors. I know, I know. Those flavors are all COMPLETELY different, but we had something for everbody, right? So on Thursday we get a FRESH tier of cake for our one year anniversary instead of eating a gross frozen cake. 

Also on Thursday Abram and Wendy and Sam and Savannah might be coming! AHH! I cannot wait at all to see them. I am so excited I am so excited I am so excited I am so excited. This weekend is gonna be NUTS. Abram, Wendy, Sam, Savannah, Chelsea, Chris, Zach, Alyssa, Me, Matt, Shelby, and my parents will ALL be in my house.We have umm...5 rooms in my house? Yeah, it is going to be crowded, but it is going to be awesome. I love being with my family.


  1. Hey McKenna,
    Are you excited????
    Have a great time,
    Love, Mom Talley
    PS - great phone

  2. I remember your wedding cake. Victor stuck his finger in it!

  3. haha AH! i totally forgot about that! what an awesome story.
