Tuesday, August 16


I forget how much I love theatre and dance.
But then I watch an amazing dance performance or hear an amazing musical number and I remember just how amazing it is that God blessed people with other ways to communicate than just speech.

Sometimes people think that being an actress or a dancer is some type of lesser position than say..businessmen or engineers or doctors. To those people I say: you are dumb. you are really dumb. Just because you don't understand doesn't mean you should bash or bad-mouth. I have so much respect for dancers and actors and not just because I used to be/am one of them. They are able to create masterpieces and take us to worlds we could never go on our own. They allow us to enter a world no businessman or even engineer could on their own. 

I'm not trying to diss people of other professions or anything because hello..I am not even a professional actress or dancer...I'm a psychologist (don't even get me started on what people think about us). I understand that the actors and dancers could not do any of what they do without the engineers or businessmen building stages and sets and selling their tickets and creating theatres and unions and all that jazz.

I just get confused when people belittle the profession. Things that run through my head when I hear things like "you want to be an actor?" or "what are you going to do as a dancer?" said with a scoff are...
have you ever watched a performance done by those people that you scoff at?
were you aware that sometimes people communicate in a way different from you?
it's not like these people are doing it because they can't do anything else...they do it because they love it.
they do it because they love it.
they do it because they want to share stories.
they do it because they want to make people feel something.

and in our world today...i think that we all just need to feel and be aware of our emotions a little more.

All I know is I am thankful for all the things I have been able to feel and experience by watching someone perform a dance and celebrate their thanksgiving to God for the ability to move their body. I am thankful for all the things I have been able to learn by watching a play that applies to my life in a way that no other person or thing can. I am thankful that God decided to bless so many people with talents and that those people are willing to share.

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