Friday, November 25

Day of thanks

Operation Thanksgiving dinner= SUCCESS.

It was delicious. Our thanksgiving meal consisted of turkey, corn, stuffing, cranberry, rolls, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes (no skin and with skin), watergate salad, and gravy. For dessert we had a yummy assortment of pies: pumpkin, apple, and a new one that Graham created known as the s'more pumpkin pie. 

Sarah celebrating the Thanksgiving feast.
the perfect turkey made my Bethany.

It was wonderful. Seriously. I don't think it could have been any better. We sat around the table eating and we all said things that we were thankful for, well a couple of us did. Bethany said that she was thankful that we all like each other. I said I was thankful that we are all at BYU at the same time and that we were able to celebrate this holiday together. I will admit, I miss my family and my traditions, but it is really cool to be doing things and making our own traditions and combining traditions of other families to become one. This was a wonderful thanksgiving and the best thing was that we did it all on our own (...with a little help from our moms)!

After we feasted on our amazing meal we spent the rest of the day watching the social network, playing quidditch, and playing a crazy long board game that lasted like 4 hours. It was super fun, and it just happened to be 12:15am when we ended the board game so the girls decided that we might as well go black friday shopping since we were already up!
Outside target at 12:30am!

And the boys stayed home and played Lord of the Rings Risk.

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