Thursday, July 12


I really like helping people. This summer, luckily I have had an awesome job. A guy from church has been really interested in starting a non-profit organization that helps teach college kids project management skills. Pretty cool in and of itself, but on top of that, he wants to use projects with humanitarian needs to teach those project management skills. So, he started a company called Global Humanitarian Solutions, and I have been working with him and a few others to get it up and running since the beginning of June. Needless to say, I have already learned a lot. The humanitarian need that we have been working with this summer is refugee integration into the US. I have gotten to work with lots of cool people this summer.

There is this really cool place called Church World Services, in Greensboro, that helps refugees coming from places like Irag and Nepal to integrate into society. Part of my job this summer has required me to volunteer with this organization. So I have gotten to take refugees from Iraq to get social security cards, or bank accounts, or to help set up apartments for newly arriving refugees. It is so awesome to help people who really don't have any idea how to help themselves.

Basically, I was thinking this summer I would have to get a job working at like a fast food place or something, but I have actually gotten to do something worthwhile. Honestly, I didn't have any idea what project management was before this job (it's pretty self-explanatory though, right? oh well). I understand it a lot more now, and I have gotten to help lots of people!

I am just really excited about all the possibilities that are presented to me. Heavenly Father looks out for us. Even though I am away from my husband, I am still able to do something that is meaningful to me and to others that I help. It is wonderful to feel useful in one area, even if I don't feel like I am as useful to my husband while we are away. I just love that I have the skills to be able to help people who can't help themselves, and I love the experiences I have working with awesome people and learning more about them. Whether it is being a wife, or working with children who have been sexually abused, or helping refugees come to America, I know that I can make a difference...and that is a wonderful thing.

My new friends from Iraq, and the people I work with.

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